Seidenweich in seiner Beschaffenheit und verfeinert mit natürlichen Feuchtigkeitspendern, reinigt GUILD+PEPPER Hand Wash mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen & essenziellen Ölen porentief und gibt deinen Händen gleichzeitig tägliche Pflege.
- 266ml
- Für tägliches, mehrmaliges Händewaschen
- Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe und essenzielle Öle
- Warme Eiche ausbalanciert mit Bergamotte und marokkanischer Grapefruit
- Parabene- und phthalatfrei
Like the product fragrance, name and packaging, the GUILD+PEPPER ingredients are also very intentional. Old World botanicals of Irish moss, white oak, heather and green tea combine in a perfect alchemy of past and present.
IRISH MOSS EXTRACT - Used for centuries, Irish Moss is a natural emollient providing long-lasting hydration for today’s target customer.
WHITE OAK - Known for it’s anti-inflammatory andantioxidant properties, white oak is a well-respected andrelevant extract that soothes the skin.
HEATHER - Soothing and calming for sensitive skin, and known to have anti-inflammatory andanti-aging properties, Heather is often used in herbal therapies.
GREEN TEA - Green tea extract is a legacy knownfor it’sability to be naturally rich in antioxidants & protectsthe skin from the damaging effect of free radicals
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